Ward and Hinckley Cash Book/Ledger
A store account book of Ward & Hinckley, in Cattaraugus County, was given to the Barker Historical Museum in September 1987. It is a small notebook measuring about 6½ x 8 inches. The dated entries run from 11 May 1847 to January 1859. There is also an entry on p.114 dated 26 December 1879 “the above account all Settled by interist on factory mortgage.”
The front two leaves have an index listing the account customer’s name and the page number(s) where the account record can be found. This was probably a late addition, since the following 17 pages contain the standard Day Book kind of chronological record. It begins with an entry carrying over from an earlier record “May 11th 1847 October 30th Money received up to Saturday $225.16.” (“Saturday” was the 30th of October 1847.) That is followed by work entries beginning on 1 November 1847 and running through 31 July 1848.
The names mentioned in these entries are given below with the date of entry so they can be found fairly easily. (These pages are not numbered but are usually dated.)
11-2 Wm. Cooper, A. Averell
11-4 Elder Alison, Sheldon
11-8 Indian Harris
11-9 Harris
11-10 George Bebee
11-19 Warters [Waters?], Griswold
11-20 H. Two Guns
11-21 Woolley, Noah Two Guns, Averil, C. Canada, Lester Wood for Mary, Button George
11-29 Seneca, D. Two Guns, Senica, Fields, Jimison, H.Bebee, G.York, t, Stodard
12-6 Jimison, Averel, Elder Wood, Mulberry, J. Hugaboom, Elder Alison, C .D. Parker, Nelson Fields, Lester Wood, H. Two Guns
12-20 Elder Allison, Little Joe, Squaw Blue Sky
12-27 Barker, Twoguns, John Kennaday, Bliss, Bebee, Tall Chief, Elder Bliss, D. D. Parker, Jim Spring
1-10 Two Guns, J.Kenneda, Kath Run (?), Coan, S. Matoon, Jim Spring, Wm Chapman
1-17 Lester Wood, Durkey (?), H. Two Guns, John Seneca, H.Two Guns, Bliss, Ira C. Titus, Wood
1-24 Jimmison, Blue Sky, Seineca, S. George, E. Bebebee [sic], Clark Taylor, Clark Jim, Earl W. Eaton, Susan, Mary Bluskey (?), (?)Xina Spring, Tall Chief, Twenty Canoes, Mr. Sheldon
Friday Feb [4th?] Jimison, Fields, Charles Kenneda, Mr. Sprague, Mallory, Dewy, C. Cooper, Jimison
Monday [Feb.7th?] D. Wood Mary Blue Sky, Jimison, Two Guns, C. Two Guns Jimison, Two Guns, C. Two Guns, Mrs. Dewey, Mr. Indian, C. Kennada, Mr. Indian, Miss How, Jimison, Eliza Sundown
2-21 Mr. N. Griswold, , Mr. Indian, Mr. Ostronder, G. Sock Dawley, Mr. Indian, Fields (?)
2-28 D. Wood, Dewy, Mr. Stodard
3-6 Israel Jimison, Jimis [Jimmy’s?], Twoguns, Esqr. Pettit, Gilbert Button, Jimison, Wm. Jimison, G. Baley, N. H. Fields, Harris, Mr. Indian, Andrew John, Mr. Indian
3-20 Mr. Indian, Mr. Griswold, Tall Chief, Coon, Andrew John, Mr. Indian, Mr. Jimison, Mr. Indian, Elder Wood, Two Guns, Mr. Indian, Mr. Indian, E. Jimison, Cephas Two Guns, Deacon Woods, C. Two Guns, Elder Barnes, Jimison, H. Two Guns, Mr. Ball (Bennits mills), Rev. Dr. Alllison, Elder Wood, D. Two Guns, G. York, G. York, H. Stodard, ____? Nelson, Jimison, Kimble, Jimison, Mrs. Prentice, Wright, Marsh, Mrs. Bonnett, Kimble
5-15 Mrs. Wright, Eaton, H. Bebee Jr., Salmon Prentice
5-24 White Boy
5-27 Doct Willson, Fields, L.(?) Wood, Twoguns, Stodard, Tall Chief
6-13 L. Wood, Brooks, Cannada, Cephus Two Guns, Cenada
Mon. [ 6-20?] D. White, Silverheels, Prentice, Lindsley, Brooks
7-3 H. Bebee
7-6 Two Guns, Joseph Oldring, D. Two Guns, John Half Town, Beels, L. Wood, Mr. Kimble, Mr. Crouse, Mr. Jimison, Israel Jimison, Mrs. Griswold
7-31 Ira C. Titus, S.Matton
Name Index to Day Book Entries:
____? Nelson, 2
A. Averell, 1
A.Beals, 6
Aliston, 6
Amanda, 6
Amerett Meacham, 5
Andrew John, 2
Armand, 6
Atwel, 7
Atwell, 6
Averel, 1
Averell, 7
Averil,, 1
Barker, 1, 5
Bebee, 1, 2, 6
Beels, 2
Bliss, 1, 2
Blue Sky,, 2, 5
Bluskey, 2
Bonnett, Mrs. 2
Bradford VanVliet, 6
Brooks, 2
Burwell Hawkins, 6
Button George, 1
C. Two Guns, 2
C.Canada, 1
C.Cooper, 6
C.Coopper, 2
C.D.Parker, 1
C.Kennada, 2
C.Two Guns, 2
Cannada, 2, 5
Cenada, 2
Cephas Two Guns, 2
Charles, 2
Charly, 6
Clark, 2
Clark Taylor, 2
Coan, 2
Coon, 2
D. Two Guns, 2
Crouse, Mr. 2
D.Brigs, 6
D.D.Parker, 1
D.White, 2
Deacon Woods, 2
Dewy, 2
Doct Willson, 2
Durkey (?),, 2
E. Bebebee, 2
E.Jimison, 2
Earl, 2
Eaton, 2
Ed, 6
Eels, Mrs. 6
Elder Alison, 1
Elder Allison, 1
Elder Barnes, 2
Elder Bliss, 1
Elder Wood, 1, 2
Elisha Brown, 6
Eliza Sundown, 2
Esqr. Pettit, 2
Fields, 1, 2
G.Baley, 2
G.Hines, 6
G.Sock Dawley, 2
G.W.Norton, 6
G.York, 1
Gazley, H.D. 7
George Bebee, 1
George Hogoboom, 6
George Hugaboom, 6
Gilbert Button, 2
Griswold, 1, 2
H.Bebee,, 1
H.D.Gasley, 7
H.Jacob, 6
H.Two Guns, 2
Harrington, 6
Harris, 1, 2
Herrick, 6
Holmes, 6
Indian, Mr. 2
Indian Harris, 1, 5
Ira C. Titus, 2
Ira C.Titus, 2
Israel Jimison, 2
J. Hugaboom, 1
J.Kenneda, 2
J.King Skinner, 5
J.T.Ward, 6
Jacob Meacham, 6
James North, 6
James Ward, 6
Jim, 1, 2
Jim Spring, 1, 2
Jimis [Jimmy’s?], 2
Jimison, 1, 2, 5
Jimmison, 2
John Half Town, 2
John Kennaday, 1
John Seneca, 2
John, Hogers, 6
Johnathan Ward, 6
Jonathan Ward, 7
Jonathan Warner, 6
Joshua Turkey, 6
Kath Run, 2
Kenneda, 2
Kimb le, 2
Kimble, 2
L.Akerly, 6
L.Berner, 6
Lester Wood, 1, 2
Little Joe, 1, 5
Lois Sinicca, 6
Loren Ward, 6
Mallory, 2
Marsh, 2
Mary, 1, 2
Mary Blue Sky, 2
Maryette, 6
Miss How, 2
Mr Ward, 6
Mr. Indian, 2
Mr. Sprague, 2
Mr.Ball (Bennits mills, 2
Mr.Crouse, 2
Mr.Marsh, 2
Mr.Ostronder, 2
Mrs Eells, 6
Mrs. Bonnett, 2
Mrs. H.D.Gazley, 6
Mrs.Dewey, 2
Mrs.Prentice, 2
Mrs.Right, 6
Mulberry, 1
Niven, 6
Noah Two Guns, 1
Ostrander, Mr. 2
Peter Wilson, 6
Prentice, 2
Rev. Dr. Alllison, 2
S.George, 2
S.Matoon, 2
S.Matton, 2
Salmon Prentice, 2
Sceneca, 1, 5
Seineca, 2
Senica,, 1
Sheldon, 1, 2
Silverheels, 2
Sprague, Mr. 2
Squaw Blue Sky, 1
Stodard, 1, 2
Susan, 2
Tall Chief, 1, 2, 5
Timothy Beals, 5
Tuttle, 6
Twenty Canoes, 2
Two Guns, 1, 2, 5
Twoguns, 1, 2
Vanvlack, 7
W.Eaton, 2
Walter Reckord, 6
Ward, Mr. 2
Warters, 1
Wat, 6
Waters, 1
White Boy, 2
Whitney, 6
William, 6
William Eells, 6
William T.Wilkins, 6
Willtsey, 6
Wm Chapman, 2
Wm. Cooper, 1
Wm.Jimison, 2
Wood, 2, 6
Woolley, 1
Wright, 2
Xina Spring, 2
Zenus Willis, 6
At this point, the Day Book style of entry was abandoned, at least for this volume. In its place were individual and company accounts making a ledger with the index to the personal and company names inserted on the first leaves. The names in the ledger entries can be found in the database attached to this analysis. Those accounts begin with a page for Barker & Mead with the first entry on 14 August 1848.The accounts end with one for James Morrison as of 15 December 1858, on p.123.
When this volume was donated to the Barker Historical Museum in September 1987, it was found to contain 33 slips of paper, some carefully torn from the bottom of blank pages but most discarded pieces salvaged from an earlier use. Most of the slips were used for calculations or for separate records of customers accounts. (At least two leaves appear to have been used as pen wipers.)
Those containing accounts, bills or I.O.U.s are described here very briefly but recording any names which appear in them, whether the context is legible or not. Each has been given an arbitrary number.
- Brief note dated at Ellicottville, Aug. 23, 1849 from J. King Skinner, Post Master to “Post Master at Versailes.” In August 1849 that would have been A. H. Barker. The reverse has been used to record the account of Timothy Beals from 31 Jan. 1850 through 5 April 1852. It includes a 17 December 1851 order for a pair of “Bootees for Amerett Meacham.”
- A bill for A. Beals Oct.15, 1853 – Feb.1, 1854
- A slip with figures including the notations “Cole — 11.51 Crain 10 27 Willtsey 3.00/24.78”
- Seth Bebee bill Nov.9, 1854
- “Versailles Jany 19/50 Due J. T. Ward or order three Dollars? On the reverse “Tuttle 5.38 Holmes 16.66 Harrington 21.66 E.H. 22. 85”
- Nov. 24/49 Bill for William T. Wilkins By James Ward By James North
- Johnathan Ward Oct 1881. Johnathan Ward to G. W. Norton. List is primarily of bran, fuel, flour and meal. Aug.21 – Nov. 17
- William Eells to J. T. Ward Dec.19-1851 — 9.25.55 Refers to William, Mrs Eells, Wat, Ed, Amanda, Herrick, Maryette and Charly.
- Co.(?) Armand (?) I promise to pay three dollars in work Versailles 12 May 1856
10)1857-1858 record of accounts. Niven, D. Brigs, C. Cooper, H. Jacob (?), G. Hines, Lois Sinicca, L.Akerly, Joshua Turkey, L. Berner (?), William John, Hogers
11)1855-56 Mrs. H. D. Gazley
12) Jonathan Warner 8-4-1849
13) May 17, 1858 Zenus Willis
14) J. T. Ward please pay the bearer four dollars fifty cts Jan 1858 out of your shop George Hugaboom
15) By Elisha Brown,Esq., Justice of the Peace of the County of Cattaraugus any constable of said county is hereby required forthwith to summons Walter Reckord personally to appear before me at my office in the Town of Perrysburg on 15 Feb. 1858 at 1 o’clock to answer to the complaint of Bradford VanVliet 2-8-1858. (on outside of folded paper) A true copy of the Original J. T. Ward Const.
16) Long list of work done (by blacksmith?) Sept.1858- Dec. 1859 On outside of folded paper May 1861 Mrs. Right to 8 lbs of Caps (?) a/c 8 per Pound 64 to 6 lbs and five (?) ounces of pork 75
17) Bill for Peter Wilson Sept. 26, 1854-June 30, 1855
18) May 17, 1858 George Hogoboom To mend 1 Pr Shoes for girl 4- .50
19) A list of banks and their locations in NY, NJ,MD,MI
20) Extremely faint writing: Dec 3th 1855 Mr Ward Sir Please to Let Loren Ward (?) Have one Pair of Boots and _____(?)
21) Jacob Meacham Sept. 23, 1848 – May 11.By cash.
22) Jacob Meacham Aug 25, 1855- May 10, 1856
23)1863 Burwell Hawkins pair of boots. A penciled addition “p.362” may refer to a ledger entry.
24) 9 Mar Molas, Phrenology postag, Aliston, Atwell, Whitney, Wood
25) Jonathan Ward account commencing August 4th 1849 Averell, Vanvlack, Atwel
26) Versailles June 23d 1858 – H. D. Gasley
27) Good for fifty ct (added in pencil “p.337”
Index of Names on Separate Slips:
____? Nelson, 2
A. Averell, 1
A.Beals, 5
Aliston, 6
Amanda, 5
Amerett Meacham, 5
Andrew John, 2
Armand, 5
Atwel, 6
Atwell, 6
Averel, 1
Averell, 6
Averil,, 1
Barker, 1, 4, 5
Bebee, 1, 2, 5
Beels, 2
Bliss, 1, 2
Blue Sky,, 2, 4
Bluskey, 2
Bradford VanVliet, 5
Brooks, 2
Burwell Hawkins, 6
Button George, 1
C. Two Guns, 2
C.Canada, 1
C.Cooper, 5
C.Coopper, 2
C.D.Parker, 1
C.Kennada, 2
C.Two Guns, 2
Cannada, 2, 4
Cenada, 2
Cephas Two Guns, 2
Charles, 2
Charly, 5
Clark, 2
Clark Taylor, 2
Coan, 2
Coon, 2
D. Two Guns, 2
D.Brigs, 5
D.D.Parker, 1
D.White, 2
Deacon Woods, 2
Dewy, 2
Doct Willson, 2
Durkey (?),, 2
E. Bebebee, 2
E.Jimison, 2
Earl, 2
Eaton, 2
Ed, 5
Elder Alison, 1
Elder Allison, 1
Elder Barnes, 2
Elder Bliss, 1
Elder Wood, 1, 2
Elisha Brown, 5
Eliza Sundown, 2
Esqr. Pettit, 2
Fields, 1, 2
G.Baley, 2
G.Hines, 5
G.Sock Dawley, 2
G.W.Norton, 5
G.York, 1
George Bebee, 1
George Hogoboom, 6
George Hugaboom, 5
Gilbert Button, 2
Griswold, 1, 2
H.Bebee,, 1
H.D.Gasley, 6
H.Jacob, 5
H.Two Guns, 2
Harrington, 5
Harris, 1, 2
Herrick, 5
Holmes, 5
Indian Harris, 1, 4
Ira C. Titus, 2
Ira C.Titus, 2
Israel Jimison, 2
J. Hugaboom, 1
J.Kenneda, 2
J.King Skinner, 5
J.T.Ward, 5
Jacob Meacham, 6
James North, 5
James Ward, 5
Jim, 1, 2
Jim Spring, 1, 2
Jimis [Jimmy’s?], 2
Jimison, 1, 2, 4
Jimmison, 2
John Half Town, 2
John Kennaday, 1
John Seneca, 2
John, Hogers, 5
Johnathan Ward, 5
Jonathan Ward, 6
Jonathan Warner, 5
Joshua Turkey, 5
Kath Run, 2
Kenneda, 2
Kimb le, 2
Kimble, 2
L.Akerly, 5
L.Berner, 5
Lester Wood, 1, 2
Little Joe, 1, 4
Lois Sinicca, 5
Loren Ward, 6
Mallory, 2
Marsh, 2
Mary, 1, 2
Mary Blue Sky, 2
Maryette, 5
Miss How, 2
Mr Ward, 6
Mr. Indian, 2
Mr. Sprague, 2
Mr.Ball (Bennits mills, 2
Mr.Crouse, 2
Mr.Indian, 2
Mr.Marsh, 2
Mr.Ostronder, 2
Mrs Eells, 5
Mrs. Bonnett, 2
Mrs. H.D.Gazley, 5
Mrs.Dewey, 2
Mrs.Prentice, 2
Mrs.Right, 6
Mulberry, 1
Niven, 5
Noah Two Guns, 1
Peter Wilson, 6
Prentice, 2
Rev. Dr. Alllison, 2
S.George, 2
S.Matoon, 2
S.Matton, 2
Salmon Prentice, 2
Sceneca, 1, 4
Seineca, 2
Senica,, 1
Sheldon, 1, 2
Silverheels, 2
Squaw Blue Sky, 1
Stodard, 1, 2
Susan, 2
Tall Chief, 1, 2, 4
Timothy Beals, 5
Tuttle, 5
Twenty Canoes, 2
Two Guns, 1, 2, 4
Twoguns, 1, 2
Vanvlack, 6
W.Eaton, 2
Walter Reckord, 5
Warters, 1
Wat, 5
Waters, 1
White Boy, 2
Whitney, 6
William, 5
William Eells, 5
William T.Wilkins, 5
Willtsey, 5
Wm Chapman, 2
Wm. Cooper, 1
Wm.Jimison, 2
Wood, 2, 6
Woolley, 1
Wright, 2
Xina Spring, 2
Zenus Willis, 5
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